Наш выставочный зал и офис, наша трикотажная фабрика и фабрика по пошиву свитеров, наша фабрика аксессуаров.
Магазин по продаже нашей продукции. Наша благотворительная акция по переработке вторсырья.
At Honry Sweater, we combine decades of expertise with advanced technology to ensure high-quality knitwear production. Our self-invested factory, equipped with cutting-edge machinery, enables us to deliver precision, efficiency, and innovation at every stage. From yarn selection to final packaging, we adhere to strict quality standards, leveraging automated knitting, meticulous craftsmanship, and sustainable practices. With a strong commitment to consistency and timely delivery, we provide global brands with premium knitwear solutions tailored to their needs.